Puppy Portraits – 8 Weeks Old

So this afternoon hubby and I took some photos of the puppies.  I figured I would post the best one of each.  We took photos of 8 of the 9 puppies (number 9, Rain, doesn’t have an adopter yet and so we have a little more time to take pics of her than the others, most of whom are going on Tuesday).

















– Pit Bull Foster Momma

Two and A Half Days Left

First of all, I apologize for not regularly updating this page.  Life has been a little hectic between puppies and work.

Last Saturday, we took all the puppies to the vet for their first shots and deworming.  All the vet techs popped their heads in and there were lots of “Awwws,” and little squeals and exclamations of, “Oh my gosh, they are all so CUTE!”

So one of the vet techs said something to me when we took the puppies in last Saturday that I didn’t really think too much of at the time, but over the past week has been a real encouragement. It’s been tough leaving the puppies at home all day now that I am back at work for the fall, and I’ve been having guilt about not having the time I would like with them. Here’s what she said,

“They are all so healthy, and they are all so clean.”

With two and a half days left before the puppies go to their forever homes, the first part is really starting to sink in. I was so scared when Chloe developed kennel cough right after she arrived. I knew how dangerous that could be to the puppies when they were born. But I think she actually waited, somehow, for her body to be healthy before she had the puppies. None of them got sick. When they were born, Halli and Tink both gave us a scare because they were having a hard time latching on and suckling. But they were persistent and little fighters, and they figured it out with some help and thrived. When Chloe got sick with mastitis, she could have refused to nurse, but she kept on like a pro and all the puppies had the nutrition they needed. For a while when they switched over to puppy food, I got nervous because Fogo wasn’t really eating, but now he eats like a champ. And now we have nine healthy puppies ready to go live long, healthy lives in their forever homes.

But it’s the second part that really touched me. That may seem weird. At the time, I was confused and had to ask her to clarify what she meant. She said that some litters come in all dirty because their environment isn’t cleaned and cared for regularly. And I will admit, as much as I joke about it, the toughest thing for me has been the constant cleaning and always trying to stay on top of the poop and make sure bedding is dry and clean and puppy pads are changed out regularly. Today I was cleaning outside of the pen before I let the puppies out to play and got in and changed the bedding out, and I had one area totally clean, turned my back, and turned back around, and POOP HAD APPEARED OUT OF NOWHERE, four inches outside of the pen. I was dumbfounded. But then I went and cleaned it up. So, any time I feel discouraged when I walk into the puppy room and survey everything that needs to be cleaned, I’ve been remembering what that vet tech said. And it makes me proud that I’ve been able to do that for them. Puppies deserve to be clean, dry, warm, and well cared for. Like any animal! So it may sound a bit trivial, but that comment makes me feel good every time I think of it.

I can’t believe there are only two and a half days left before the puppies start to go to their homes. I never thought we would be fostering puppies, but the experience has been incredible. Getting to see Chloe give birth to, nurture, and teach her puppies has been humbling. They could not have been born to a better mother. Seeing them from the time they were blind and deaf and could only crawl a few inches at a time, to where they are now–with individual personalities, and incredible acrobatic skills, and such affection for every person they meet–that is just a beautiful experience. And I’m excited to see where they will be a month from now, two months, a year–they are all going to wonderful homes where I know they will flourish.

Puppies waiting for dinner.  Taken last week.

Puppies waiting for dinner. Taken last week.

– Pit Bull Foster Momma